Life is good!


I am in a very good place in my life right now, so I decided I would spread the joy around.

Realizing and acknowledging the good things in your life helps you so much. So many people are negative about life and live to complain and focus on the bad in everything. Sure, we all have bad stuff going on in our life, but do you know what? It is up to you to change your way of thinking and not dwell on things that bring you down. Thoughts are like magnets; if you think of a few good things in your life they will bring forth more good thoughts and memories. The same goes for bad thoughts. I find I can spiral downward once I have a few things go wrong and end up in a deep, dark place that is quiet a challenge to dig myself out of.

I have a few helpful tips that will make your days happy if you follow them:

Smile at and say “Hi” to a stranger today! Pick your person wisely, but while you are out for your walk or walking to the GO train or whatever, smile and say “Hi!” to someone. It will surprise you how this simple thing can make both yours and someone else’s day!

Take time to give a genuine compliment to someone each day. Making someone feel good about themself will also make you feel happy.

Greet people with a smile and a Hi whenever you can. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a fabulous family, great friends, and a job working with people I love. I truly believe that greeting people with a big smile and a nice hello can put people at ease and make mostly all situations better!

Someone once told me a long time ago that every night when you are going to bed think of 5 things you are thankful for. This was one of the best tips I have ever received! When you remind yourself right before dozing off to sleep of things you are thankful for, that puts your mind in a good place and helps you fall asleep.

Please give these a try, you’ll be glad you did, trust me!

Remember….You can’t always control what happens, you can ONLY control how you react to what happens.❤️

Your Simply Susan quick and dirty tip of the day! 😊💛

Children learn what they live👌


Iwp-1457987268403.jpegf you have children, teaching them to do chores or to cook simple meals is giving them important life skills that will not only benefit them, but everyone!

Most children are capable and happy to help out if they know they are appreciated for doing it.  Find something age-appropriate that they can help out with on a daily or weekly basis, and, if you need to, reward them with a weekly allowance for helping to take care of the house.

wp-1450790737904.jpgChore examples are:  filling the dishwasher, setting and clearing the table before and after meals, dusting, taking care of pets, collecting and taking out garbage and recycling, collecting laundry and sorting it, washing dishes, cooking simple meals, or helping in meal preparation.

By letting your children know that what they are doing is a big help, and compensating them with praise or a reward shows them that their contribution to the family home is truly appreciated. Hopefully though your children have already realized this!😆

I believe that children need to learn to help out and take pride in their house.  If they take part in caring for their house, hopefully they will want continue this as they grow up.

We all think it is easier and faster to do things ourselves but by giving children the responsibility of having to take care of certain things on their own gives them pride of ownership. If you are always doing everything for them how are they ever going to learn to take care of themselves??2015-12-22_08.17.57.jpg

If you take the time to teach your children these important life skills, you are helping them toward an independent future.  Isn’t that what all parents want for their kids.!?!

Your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😆

In with the new, out with the old….new year’s resolutions


IMG958 This is the time of year where my husband notices the gym is always packed, and I pass new runners out there killing themselves!  One thing we also notice is neither the trails I run, nor the gym are as busy by February.

What does this say…….

One of the most common new years  resolutions is to get healthy and start exercising.  A great thing to do, but unfortunately approached wrong by many people.  Getting out there is where you start, but starting with a plan and realistic goals, and starting gradually rather than full out will have longevity.  You are more likely to keep going if you schedule it in, and if you start slowly.

As I’ve said before……in order to make it a new habit and lifestyle change, you must actually enjoy it!!!!!

Don’t feel like you need to go out there and run hard for 5 km. Starting with a good brisk walk for 30 minutes first and gradually building from there is the way to go (contact me if you need more advice, a partner, or tips here).

At the gym, try to have a plan.  Decide first what you want to accomplish, and consider whether or not this is better done by hiring a personal trainer to learn correct form and exercises. Hiring a personal trainer may seem like an unneeded expense to you, but hiring the right one for a short period of time to get you on the right track can really benefit you in the long run.  Signing up for classes is also a good way because you feel more committed that you have to go.

Whatever you do decide to do, getting fit and healthy is always a worthwhile goal and it is never too late to start!  Just make sure it is enjoyable and realistic!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Simply Susan useful tip of the day😂