Life Lessons


Well, if 2020 taught us anything it taught me how to slow down and how to appreciate the little things in life. I used to think that multi-tasking was the very best use of my time and that I could get “so much more” done if I could master this skill. Well, I was wrong! Multi-tasking is just a way of doing things that makes you do a half-hearted job at many things rather than a good/great job at one thing!

Why do we think the busier we are the more important we are? Who ever put this idea in our heads?

I have really learned to appreciate life and learned that “multi-tasking” is NOT more efficient and not always the solution to today’s busy lives. Multi-tasking just means you are putting in a “partial” effort to more than one thing. We need to STOP thinking that this is better! I was like everyone else and thought that while I talked on the phone to my mom I should be cleaning the bathroom, walking the dog, making dinner, or doing SOMETHING else! But do you know what? I only ever gave her “partial” attention and she deserves my full attention. Same thing with multi-tasking chores and jobs; everything is only “partially” done!

What I am trying to wrap my head around is just why everyone is so busy all the time! I live a fantastic life and don’t feel like I am missing out on anything, yet I don’t feel overwhelmed in any way and have plenty of down-time. Am I just different? Is this a choice I have made? Am I lazy?

It seems as though we think we are viewed as “Lazy” if we are not always running around doing 20,000 things, for 20,000 people!

Taking time to yourself and SLOWING DOWN is something we, as a society, need to embrace. Honestly, the lockdown and isolation of 2020 taught me that I need to take care of myself. I am that important! If I want to be a better human being/mom/wife/daughter/friend/employee than I NEED to take care of myself.

What does this mean you might ask?? It means prioritizing what makes me feel good, what I enjoy doing, what will make me feel fulfilled, and what I need to be happy. If we put ourselves first, we become better at being there for everyone else!

When my children were very young I realized that I needed exercise in order to feel complete, and to maintain my mental health. So, I carved out time in my day to do this.

There is this completely INSANE belief that to exercise you need to A) have at least an hour, B) join a gym, and/or C) own exercise equipment. This is 100% not true. There are a ton of workout videos on Youtube, (and a ton here on my blog!!) that are short, efficient, and totally worth your time. HIIT (High intensity interval training) is an intense 10-15 min workout that gets your heart pumping and gets you sweating and that’s all you need to do!

So please, tell me who doesn’t have 10 minutes to give yourself????? I GUARANTEE you spend quadruple this time scrolling through your social media feeds! Take the time right now to schedule in 15 min on 4 days this week where you do a Pilates, Yoga, HIIT, Booty Band, or Weights workout! Seriously………schedule it in right now! If we write things down we are more likely to commit to doing it.

To sum up, 2020 taught me to SLOW down, do one thing at a time, and that I am important! I have had a lot of time to think about life, contemplate my purpose, really realize who my friends are, realize how important connecting to people is and how to be the best wife/mom/friend/daughter/human being I can possibly be. You know what??? It is taking the time to appreciate each and every thing I do, and appreciating each and every conversation I have with someone I care about.

What do you think?

Are you willing to slow down?

I will never forget this year for so many reasons, but I also would never take away the lessons I’ve learned and am grateful for those every single day.

Your Simply Susan advice of the day💛🙃🥰

HIIT me!!


For those of you that are not up on your new exercise lingo, HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Basically, you are working really hard for short bursts of time, with little break. I personally LOVE HIIT workouts and find they are great to use when time is tight. Another huge benefit is, all you need is shorts, a top, shoes and a small area of open space (you could totally do this in a hotel room or apartment!)

My new favourite HIIT workout comes to you courtesy of my ever-so-wonderful husband Shawn! The reason he created this workout for us is that we had to get to a dance competition for one of our daughters and had only limited time and wanted to get an effective, hard workout in. This HIIT workout takes about 15 minutes and you should be tired and very sweaty at the end!

What you are doing for HIIT workouts is doing 3 high intensity exercises in a row with no break then 30 second to 1 minute recovery. Repeat 5 times.

Here are the exercises:

  1. 15 Push ups
  2. 15 Jump Squats
  3. 15 Squat Thrusts

Rest 30 sec to 1 minute, basically just until you catch your breath!

Repeat the above 3 exercises 5 times.

That’s it! SO easy, SO effective, SO hard, SO fun!

Your Simply Susan HIIT workout of the day. Go do it now, I dare you!😏

Motivation Monday! Let’s do this!


2017-01-29-19-06-24.jpgEver thought that there just isn’t time in the day to exercise? Ever felt that you’re just too tired or comfortable at home to go to the gym? I can relate.  That’s why many years ago I invested in a few key things – exercise bands and free weights – and decided to fit in (just a few minutes at first) some strength training during t.v. time! So, what better way than to try it during commercial breaks?

Or, if you are like most people these days and have it PVR’d, try getting a timer and just doing 3, 5-minute intervals of exercises while your show is on? If you really want to start small, set an even easier goal for yourself, one that you are sure to accomplish.

Easy things to do?

2017-01-18-20-49-59.jpg1. Wall squats: Back against the wall, lower yourself to 90° hold for as long as you can, rest. Do this 5 -10 times.  Make sure you back is tight against the wall.  Bend your knees so they are at a 90 degree angle over your ankles.  Weight should be focused on your heels.



2. Butt squeezes.  Stand up, squeeze your butt cheeks together as hard as you can for 10 seconds, rest for 5, squeeze for 10. Repeat 10 times.

3.  Skipping.   Grab a skipping rope ($ store) and skip for 30 sec. Rest, repeat 10 times.

2017-01-18-20-52-10.jpg4.  Wide-legged squat.  (I know I’m a bit obsessed with the squat, but for good reason…’s an awesome way to keep that butt toned).  Hold squat for 10 sec., stand up, rest for 10 sec., repeat 10 times.



5. Grab a band and try these:





Do 10 reps of each of these:  easy bicep curl, harder bicep curl (more tension on band), shoulder press, triceps extension (10 on each arm). Do 2 sets of these.

That’s it! Try one or all of these today!

I’d love some feedback to know what you’d like to hear about!

Your Simply Susan motivational tip of the day!

Is he “the one”?😊


You may not be able to tell by my title, but this blog is dedicated to finding the right training partner!!

20160507_100949.jpgFinding the right person to exercise with is almost as important to finding the right life partner!!  No really!!! It truly can make the difference  between you getting out there and exercising, and being a couch potato!

This is the time of year when I have to say that my husband/training partner really pisses me off!  (That being said, it actually challenges me which I both really need and like!😃)I find that on our Sunday trail runs, my favourite day of the week, he spends more time stopping and waiting for me to catch up (or trying to locate me as I get lost most weekends!) and that go me to thinking, “What makes a good training partner?”  The thing is, for 10 months of the year he is an awesome training partner, but when I am lagging behind on those 2 months , the competitive side of me finds him irritating as a training partner!! 😃😄 Hahahahaha😄😃!!.  For the record though, he and my brother are both up ahead waiting for me so I am really just the third wheel……in the summer…..on the trail!😆

Okay, so let’s talk about qualities for a training partner.  First off, it has to be someone you are completely comfortable with.  If you can’t be “au natural”, stinky, and feel embarrassed letting them see you in your sweaty-way then they are not right for you. You have to also make sure they are easily accessible; meaning you have to be able to get together easily.  If your partner lives farther away, you are less likely to be able to have regular times, or do short-notice work-outs when you feel the need.  Another must is that this person has to have similar interests.  You have to be able to have similar exercise goals and want to do the same kind of exercise program.  For example I wouldn’t want to train with someone on a treadmill or in a gym as I am someone who craves the outdoors and needs the fresh air as part of my exercise regime.  You also need to be at similar levels; a veteran marathon runner would not be suitable for a beginning runner.  You have to have someone who wants to do what you do and will be able to commit to you for a period of time. Lastly, it also is helpful to have someone who can challenge you! It is great to have that motivation running in front that forces you to “catch up”!!

moldiv_1459114746780.jpgI know that I am truly blessed to have my best friend in the world also enjoy exercising and trail running as much as I do!  But, just for the record during the winter months I kick his butt on our runs!😃😄…….I’m not competitive though!😆

I wish you all the best of luck in finding a partner of choice!  There is someone out there for all of us, so just keep those eyes and ears open and make it a goal to find just the right training partner for you!

Stay positive, and exercise on!

Your Simply Susan advice for the day! 😆




Yowza, what is that smell???!!!😨


2016-08-24-14.50.25.jpg.jpegNow, no one likes exercising around someone who stinks, but it’s sometimes unavoidable.  Now I exercise a lot, and therefore sweat a lot.  So, here are some tips to keep that nasty stench at bay!😆

First off, if vinegar and baking soda aren’t already a staple for your cleaning and laundry needs, you need to make them one.  Vinegar and baking soda have so many uses that I always have them accessible for all my cleaning,  disinfecting, and deodorizing needs.

Your workout clothes get sweat soaked, and therefore can get both mildewy and can grow bacteria.  I know, GROSS!  So, what you need to do is to soak them every once in a while in a vinegar and water mix.  I use about a 1:4 ratio of vinegar to water. I also add a 1/4 cup of Baking Soda in here. I suggest soaking for at least a few hours, but overnight is even better!  Then, launder in cold water.  The vinegar and baking soda will kill off all that nasty bacteria which causes that smell!

Always wash your workout clothes in cold water, then hang to dry.  Putting them in the dryer is not good for the fabric.


Secondly, if you are a trail runner   like myself, my shoes get quite muddy after a run.  I prefer to just rinse them in cold water using a fairly stiff plastic brush to scrub away the dirt.  After this, squeeze out as much water as you can and leave them out to air dry.  Again, never put them in the dryer or the shoes will deteriorate,  and lose their integrity.  That’s right, running shoes have tons of integrity! ☺

2016-08-24-14.52.13.jpg.jpegAnother way you can wash your running shoes and hats is to put them in the dishwasher in the top section.  This may not get into the ground in dirt, but when the cycle is done you could give those areas a  light brush.  Again here, take them out before the hot air dry cycle, or leave it on a cool dry setting.

There you are my friends, your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😆

Natural Love🍁🍃🍁🌳❤


Have I ever told any of you just how much I love trail running?  To be out there with nature is one of my favourite things in the world to do.  I am also so fortunate to be blessed to live in a country where we get 4 different seasons and the incredible beauty that comes along with this!

2015-05-20_19.45.38Getting out there in the spring and watching the snow melt, and the trees budding their fresh leaves.  Seeing the trilliums bloom and bring the forest floor to life makes me smile.  Feeling the warm wind and the sun on your face.  Spring runs are gorgeous and invigorating.

wpid-wp-1445804446685.jpegThen there is summer, oh the warm and hot summer days on the trail.  The trail looks stunningly beautiful with all the different greens of the deciduous and coniferous trees, and all the various bushes and ground cover!  Beautiful!  You are forced to take more breaks, which is fine, because the heat can exhaust you!  Luckily the trails are in the forest, so you are likely to be cooler here in the shade  than doing a road run.

Then we have the beauty of the fall.  Sometimes the scenery is sowpid-wp-1445804840086.jpeg breath-taking that I find myself making lots of picture-taking stops! Fine with me!  Life is too short to not stop and admire the beauty in nature!   In the fall, it is the time of year when the trees are all changing into their fall colours, and if you are blessed to live in an environment where this happens every year you are very fortunate!    I just love the smell of the fallen leaves and the much-awaited cooler air. Fall runs are spectacular!

2016-01-17-15.41.59.jpg.jpegThen we have winter trail runs.  These are actually my most favourite which many people feel is very strange!!  I love getting all bundled up in layers and getting out there on a cold winter’s day.  The leafless trees allow you to see the beautiful rolling hills covered in snow.  The challenging trail takes you up and down those hills and you get warm with all that extra effort of running through snow and ice. I love the challenge!

I truly love my trail runs and even more-so because it is something I am blessed to be able to do with my loving husband!

Have I sparked interest in any of you to give trail running a try?
I sure hope so!

Your Simply Susan fitness inspiration  of the day!😆

Run, rest, recover, repeat 😆


wpid-moldiv_1430096752604.jpgIf you know me well, you know that I love to keep fit and be healthy.    What you also need to know is that in order to be healthy,  it is just as important to take rest days.  If you don’t, you end up injured; trust me, I know this one from experience😆.

In order for you to get stronger and recover after a good, hard workout you need to have rest days in between. Rest days don’t have to mean no exercise,  they could also mean lighter, easier exercise.

Another good idea is to vary what do. For example,  if you are a cyclist, runner, dancer, try varying this on 1 or 2 days with cross-training.  Instead of running, go cycling, or walking. Do one of my at-home interval training sessions, or the core body workout I posted a while back.  If you are on a less intense day, just cut the intensity, or the reps of exercises.

One last point is that I am also a big believer in strength training.   I make sure to do an exercise session at least 1×/week, doing push-ups,  squats, lunges etc.  As I’ve mentioned before, for this you can either use your own body weight, bands, or weights for resistance.

What is most important?? That you are doing something to keep active and that you enjoy it!   Also, that you make time to rest and recover!  

Please find something that you enjoy, and gets you up and moving and don’t become one of the “sedentary” statistics.

Feel free to join me anytime, I’m always up for a good workout!😆🍰

As always, comments and feedback are always welcome. 

I’m a runner


Okay, first of all everyone always assumes I have always been a runner.  But the truth is, I  didn’t  even start exercising until my mid 20’s!  Plus, I  didn’t start running until I was 30ish or start enjoying it until my mid 30’s!   🙂

Now I am a runner who runs 4-5 times a week then cross-trains 1-2 times a week.  For my cross training I do a variety of things depending on the season, the weather, and my mood!  I personally think it’s important to have variety in your workouts. It adds interest and curbs boredom! 

I vary my ruwpid-moldiv_1433715629490.jpgns from day-to-day, but have a basic goal in mind for the number of kilometres I want to run in a week.  I am generally not training for anything, just do it to keep myself fit and healthy; also because I firmly believe it is setting a very positive example for our 2 children.

When I cross train in the summer I will often do workouts at a local place that has 2 sets of stairs and 2 hill paths leading up to a large grassed area at the top.  During these workouts I will do a certain number of stair and hill interval runs (as fast as I feel), then I will do a variety of exercises at the top.  These exercises are push-ups, the superman, squats,lunges, running backward, and anything else I can think of that only requires myself and my strength!

When I cross train at home I will do cardio using either my stationary bike, or my elliptical machine.  After cardio I generally do a variety of weight exercises using dumbbells and/or a medicine ball.  I like to do 1 set of exercises covering each muscle group.  Then after a very short break I rewpid-2015-07-13-11.58.35.jpg.jpegpeat the set.  I vary the weight exercises I do every few months so my body doesn’t get too used to them, and also to keep it interesting!

Okay, so the reason I explained at the beginning how this is all relatively new to me was to show my readers that it is never to late to try something new! Who knows, give it a try, you may love it too!

Do any of my followers want to join me or need some motivation to get started?  Just ask! I already have one friend joining me on my cross-training days! Let me know, I love to help motivate others to get started😆.

In with the new, out with the old….new year’s resolutions


IMG958 This is the time of year where my husband notices the gym is always packed, and I pass new runners out there killing themselves!  One thing we also notice is neither the trails I run, nor the gym are as busy by February.

What does this say…….

One of the most common new years  resolutions is to get healthy and start exercising.  A great thing to do, but unfortunately approached wrong by many people.  Getting out there is where you start, but starting with a plan and realistic goals, and starting gradually rather than full out will have longevity.  You are more likely to keep going if you schedule it in, and if you start slowly.

As I’ve said before……in order to make it a new habit and lifestyle change, you must actually enjoy it!!!!!

Don’t feel like you need to go out there and run hard for 5 km. Starting with a good brisk walk for 30 minutes first and gradually building from there is the way to go (contact me if you need more advice, a partner, or tips here).

At the gym, try to have a plan.  Decide first what you want to accomplish, and consider whether or not this is better done by hiring a personal trainer to learn correct form and exercises. Hiring a personal trainer may seem like an unneeded expense to you, but hiring the right one for a short period of time to get you on the right track can really benefit you in the long run.  Signing up for classes is also a good way because you feel more committed that you have to go.

Whatever you do decide to do, getting fit and healthy is always a worthwhile goal and it is never too late to start!  Just make sure it is enjoyable and realistic!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Simply Susan useful tip of the day😂

Happy Halloween!!!!!……now, the aftermath


2016-11-01-10.46.19.jpg.jpegWell, as many of you know, I am a bit of a junk food lover (which is one of the reasons why am also an exercise fanatic!!)  I love Halloween and all the junk food that comes along with it.  But, this is one of those occasions where, after you allow the indulgence, you have to offset this with burning those calories.  On Halloween night I eat all the candy I want, then I step up my cardio for the next few days to a week to feel better! Who’s kidding who, I eat candy every day, but just not quite as much as the first night!! It’s all about allowing yourself the yummy things without depriving, but understanding that with one (indulging) comes the other (exercise!)

2016-11-01-10.43.59.jpg.jpegThe next point about Halloween is that if you have kids, strongly encourage them to pool their candy.  I understand that this may be tough, but at least try to.  Either way, still insist that they keep their candy in a common area and definitely not their bedroom!  You can control their intake this way.  Also, if you’re anything like me, this is also a good way to make sure they are “sharing” with you 🙂  I also like to (this is a BIG secret, so don’t let your kids know) take a few (only) candies out each day and add them to a bag in the freezer!  They don’t even know they are missing them when you do it gradually. The way I look at it is this…you are actually helping them, and it  is really exciting to find out you have Halloween candy in February!!! Or you could just throw a few out each day, but that’s no fun!!!

2016-11-01-10.43.16.jpg.jpegLastly, decorations, take them down as soon after the day as possible.  No one wants to look at Halloween decorations in November.  Get a large plastic bin and store them all together and label it.  This includes costumes, make-up,wigs etc.  Don’t just throw out everything and start again next year, that is a waste of money and bad for the environment.  Even that cobweb stuff can be used again each year.  I have had mine now for 5 years and I just re-stretch it out every year and add the plastic spiders!

Hope all these Halloween tips help to make the day go smoothly and that all of you have fun!!!

Hope it was a fun night….now I’m going to pig out!!!!!

Your Simply Susan tip of the season!