Live, love, laugh😊❤😄


image000000_03.jpgWhat makes you happy? What do you do that puts, and keeps a smile on your face? What do you do that makes you and those around you laugh?

This should become your motivation of the day, your way of living, your reason to be! Shouldn’t we all strive to be happy every day?

Too many times we are surrounded by negativity. There have been way too many  days that my mood has been brought down just by listening to others complaining around me.  I hate this! It really leaves me feeling like a dark cloud is looming over me.

On the flip side, I myself love to smile and like to believe that I have affected others moods and rubbed some of my positivity off on them. Our happiness rubs off on other people!  Laughter IS contagious, and if that’s not something we are proud to pass on to others I don’t know what is?!?😆moldiv_1457993346693.jpg

A few years ago I made a conscious decision to avoid people who “brought me down“. The last thing I need is to be around people who can only complain about anything and everything.   I left them feeling bad, and found it hard to drag myself out and back up.  Life is too short to spend around those who don’t make you happy.  

I now choose to be around people who not only make me smile and laugh, but that smile and laugh both with and at me! There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing a good, hearty laugh.  I am proud to wear my “laugh lines”!!  

Laughter is  truly the best medicine, and not only that, a good, hearty laugh is a fantastic abdominal workout!

Live, love, laugh!

Your Simply Susan motivational tip of the day! 😆 😄

Nutritious Balanced moderation

2016-04-10-16.33.43.jpg.jpegI’m not a nutritionist and don’t live on a restricted diet (due to food in tolerances or allergies), but I have done a lot of reading and watched many programs about eating right, so I just wanted to share what I myself like to follow.
I strive to eat balanced, nutritious meals daily and never deny myself a treat!  I make my meals, eat whole grain foods, and stop eating when I am full.   I also truly believe that cutting something you love out of your diet simply because you know it’s not good for you (only talking about food here), isn’t a good idea and you just end up craving it more or being miserable.  If you love it, have it, just serve yourself a smaller portion of it, and/or do some extra cardio that day to burn off that extra indulgence!
One bad habit people get into is eating when they are bored, but not necessarily hungry.  Try instead to drink a cup of water and see if this curbs that feeling.
2016-04-10-16.30.18.jpg.jpegOne other crucial tip is, the more unprocessed the food you put into your body the better.  Try buying ingredients and learning to make simple meals at home and taking a lunch to work, or dinner to dance class rather than always relying on fast food.  Try making a few doubled recipes when you have some time and freezing individual portions for those days you need to pack a meal.  Always have cut up vegetables on hand so that they are easy to grab when you or those in your family are feeling “peckish”.  Also, have fruit out and in a very visual spot so that everyone is more likely to grab a piece of fruit rather than going for some unhealthy snack!
2016-04-10-16.31.00.jpg.jpegMake it a goal to eat at least 1 vegetable at every meal.  Try to eat a variety of food groups throughout the day, and when you are making meals ensure that you are using a variety of colours and types of food available.
Some people prefer eating 6 small meals a day, others enjoy 3.  Whatever you choose, make sure you aren’t ever eating more than you are hungry for.  If you need to, keep track of what you are eating by writing it down, or downloading a phone app.  Another tip, eat slowly, and drink water before your meals.  I have read many times, that if you drink a glass of water it will help you to feel full and therefore help keep you from overindulging.
One last tip is to try eating your meals on a smaller plate. People think that they should fill their plate up with food, and if you are using a large plate, you are likely eating more than one portion.  If you use a smaller plate, you are more likely to eat less calories and your brain is tricked into believing that you are eating the same amount of food.
I hope these tips and tricks help you to try and change any bad eating habits any of you have, and that you will think more about what you are putting into your body!  If you can’t even pronounce it, or the ingredient list is very long, you should take a pass, or make it a “once in a while” treat!
Your Simply Susan tips for the day!
Live long, and eat on.… long as it’s healthy!!!