Motivation Monday! Let’s do this!


2017-01-29-19-06-24.jpgEver thought that there just isn’t time in the day to exercise? Ever felt that you’re just too tired or comfortable at home to go to the gym? I can relate.  That’s why many years ago I invested in a few key things – exercise bands and free weights – and decided to fit in (just a few minutes at first) some strength training during t.v. time! So, what better way than to try it during commercial breaks?

Or, if you are like most people these days and have it PVR’d, try getting a timer and just doing 3, 5-minute intervals of exercises while your show is on? If you really want to start small, set an even easier goal for yourself, one that you are sure to accomplish.

Easy things to do?

2017-01-18-20-49-59.jpg1. Wall squats: Back against the wall, lower yourself to 90° hold for as long as you can, rest. Do this 5 -10 times.  Make sure you back is tight against the wall.  Bend your knees so they are at a 90 degree angle over your ankles.  Weight should be focused on your heels.



2. Butt squeezes.  Stand up, squeeze your butt cheeks together as hard as you can for 10 seconds, rest for 5, squeeze for 10. Repeat 10 times.

3.  Skipping.   Grab a skipping rope ($ store) and skip for 30 sec. Rest, repeat 10 times.

2017-01-18-20-52-10.jpg4.  Wide-legged squat.  (I know I’m a bit obsessed with the squat, but for good reason…’s an awesome way to keep that butt toned).  Hold squat for 10 sec., stand up, rest for 10 sec., repeat 10 times.



5. Grab a band and try these:





Do 10 reps of each of these:  easy bicep curl, harder bicep curl (more tension on band), shoulder press, triceps extension (10 on each arm). Do 2 sets of these.

That’s it! Try one or all of these today!

I’d love some feedback to know what you’d like to hear about!

Your Simply Susan motivational tip of the day!

Weight what?!?!😃


2016-05-15-15.39.07.jpg.jpegI have collected a number of pieces of exercise equipment over the years.  I 2016-05-15-15.40.16.jpg.jpeg rotate them to keep my workouts interesting.  It is also important to rotate through different exercises so your body doesn’t plateau.

I own 2 pieces of large cardio equipment that I use on my cross-training days.  These have served me very well over the years and are both good pieces.  I don’t use them all the time, but they are always there so I can use them in a pinch on those days I can’t get outside where I really love to exercise.

  • I own a few pairs of dumbbell weights.  I use these for both upper and lower body exercises.

moldiv_1463342902007.jpgI have a 10 pound medicine ball, and a 15 pound kettle bell  that you can do many different exercises with.  There are so many different exercise to do with these, and they are great way to mix weight training up!

Another good, inexpensive item to buy is a skipping rope.  You can get a good, intense cardio workout with a skipping rope and a hard surface to skip on.  Put on your favourite show, or music and start skipping.  It’s quite tiring, so do intervals and pick up those weights or do some push-ups.

A good investment is to buy some exercise bands for stretching and strength training.  They are excellent because they work all your muscles by both the pulling up and the letting down.

moldiv_1463342821922.jpgLastly, there are tons of things you can use a large exercise ball for:  Ab crunches, back extensions, use it to do your weights and work your core as well.

That is what I own, and I value each piece.  I vary my workouts and am always learning new exercises to use these pieces for.  There are so many great websites and blogs out there for new great ideas.

Go out today and pick up a few things!

You’ll be glad you did!

Your Simply Susan tip of the day! 🙂