Look good, work hard, feel great!


2016-11-30-19.06.02.png.png“I look jacked!!!”😃😄At least that’s what my husband said to me when he got home from the gym the other day.

Now he was only half kidding, but what he was referring to was that he saw himself in the mirror in the changeroom after his workout and thought to himself “I look jacked!”.

Now truth is, he probably didn’t look much different after his workout than he did an hour earlier before his workout, but I think this is important to share because he felt good. Just working out made him feel better about himself, and that’s my message.

Whether it’s a walk through the neighbourhood, a training run for a 5 km race, a zumba class, or 2016-11-30-19.07.09.jpg.jpega Crossfit WOD, it’s amazing how a little activity or exercise can make you feel better about yourself!

So get out there, and get active, you’ll better doing it.

Your Simply Susan Quick Tip of the day!😆



Is he “the one”?😊


You may not be able to tell by my title, but this blog is dedicated to finding the right training partner!!

20160507_100949.jpgFinding the right person to exercise with is almost as important to finding the right life partner!!  No really!!! It truly can make the difference  between you getting out there and exercising, and being a couch potato!

This is the time of year when I have to say that my husband/training partner really pisses me off!  (That being said, it actually challenges me which I both really need and like!😃)I find that on our Sunday trail runs, my favourite day of the week, he spends more time stopping and waiting for me to catch up (or trying to locate me as I get lost most weekends!) and that go me to thinking, “What makes a good training partner?”  The thing is, for 10 months of the year he is an awesome training partner, but when I am lagging behind on those 2 months , the competitive side of me finds him irritating as a training partner!! 😃😄 Hahahahaha😄😃!!.  For the record though, he and my brother are both up ahead waiting for me so I am really just the third wheel……in the summer…..on the trail!😆

Okay, so let’s talk about qualities for a training partner.  First off, it has to be someone you are completely comfortable with.  If you can’t be “au natural”, stinky, and feel embarrassed letting them see you in your sweaty-way then they are not right for you. You have to also make sure they are easily accessible; meaning you have to be able to get together easily.  If your partner lives farther away, you are less likely to be able to have regular times, or do short-notice work-outs when you feel the need.  Another must is that this person has to have similar interests.  You have to be able to have similar exercise goals and want to do the same kind of exercise program.  For example I wouldn’t want to train with someone on a treadmill or in a gym as I am someone who craves the outdoors and needs the fresh air as part of my exercise regime.  You also need to be at similar levels; a veteran marathon runner would not be suitable for a beginning runner.  You have to have someone who wants to do what you do and will be able to commit to you for a period of time. Lastly, it also is helpful to have someone who can challenge you! It is great to have that motivation running in front that forces you to “catch up”!!

moldiv_1459114746780.jpgI know that I am truly blessed to have my best friend in the world also enjoy exercising and trail running as much as I do!  But, just for the record during the winter months I kick his butt on our runs!😃😄…….I’m not competitive though!😆

I wish you all the best of luck in finding a partner of choice!  There is someone out there for all of us, so just keep those eyes and ears open and make it a goal to find just the right training partner for you!

Stay positive, and exercise on!

Your Simply Susan advice for the day! 😆