Motivation Monday! Let’s do this!


2017-01-29-19-06-24.jpgEver thought that there just isn’t time in the day to exercise? Ever felt that you’re just too tired or comfortable at home to go to the gym? I can relate.  That’s why many years ago I invested in a few key things – exercise bands and free weights – and decided to fit in (just a few minutes at first) some strength training during t.v. time! So, what better way than to try it during commercial breaks?

Or, if you are like most people these days and have it PVR’d, try getting a timer and just doing 3, 5-minute intervals of exercises while your show is on? If you really want to start small, set an even easier goal for yourself, one that you are sure to accomplish.

Easy things to do?

2017-01-18-20-49-59.jpg1. Wall squats: Back against the wall, lower yourself to 90° hold for as long as you can, rest. Do this 5 -10 times.  Make sure you back is tight against the wall.  Bend your knees so they are at a 90 degree angle over your ankles.  Weight should be focused on your heels.



2. Butt squeezes.  Stand up, squeeze your butt cheeks together as hard as you can for 10 seconds, rest for 5, squeeze for 10. Repeat 10 times.

3.  Skipping.   Grab a skipping rope ($ store) and skip for 30 sec. Rest, repeat 10 times.

2017-01-18-20-52-10.jpg4.  Wide-legged squat.  (I know I’m a bit obsessed with the squat, but for good reason…’s an awesome way to keep that butt toned).  Hold squat for 10 sec., stand up, rest for 10 sec., repeat 10 times.



5. Grab a band and try these:





Do 10 reps of each of these:  easy bicep curl, harder bicep curl (more tension on band), shoulder press, triceps extension (10 on each arm). Do 2 sets of these.

That’s it! Try one or all of these today!

I’d love some feedback to know what you’d like to hear about!

Your Simply Susan motivational tip of the day!

Just another day at the office…..organizing tips!!


wpid-moldiv_1448247400709.jpgMake your office space a place where you are not distracted by too much “stuff” and overwhelmed by paperwork.  Keep your desk free of clutter so it is a more conducive space to work in.   Keep ONLY the essentials on it.   If you have a desk and it is piled up with paperwork, you are less likely to deal with the paperwork and more likely to just close the door and “deal with it later!”  This is likely not going to happen, so don’t let yourself get to this point.

Keep your office furniture minimal; a desk, chair, a cork board or white board, and a filing cabinet.  On your desk you could keep an “in-box”, but in my experience, people end up piling papers there and never actually get to them.  This is why I prefer a cork or white board up, over your desk.  With an in-box, you only actually see the top item, the others are all covered by it.  With a cork, or white board, each item can be seen as it is more “in your face”, and therefore it will be dealt with.

When paperwork comes into your office space, deal with it right then.  If you are still receiving paper bills, highlight the date it needs to be paid by and stick it on the board until you pay it.  Once you do, file it or recycle it.

If it is an invitation that you don’t want to get rid of until after the date, highlight the date, stick it on the board, enter it into your phone/day planner, and get rid of it when date has past.  If it is paperwork regarding income tax, keep an income tax file and file it right away.

If you keep your receipts to check them against your credit card bills, keep a file in your cabinet and add receipts as you get them to the back of the pile, then each month as you go through your bill, check your receipts, then shred them (if they contain items that may need to be returned, keep a separate file for these purchases with warranty information).

In summary,  the less cluttered your office space is kept, the more likely it will be used for what it is intended for.   Try some of these ideas today and keep them up over time. You’ll be glad you did!

Your Simply Susan organizational tip of the day!  🙂