Yowza, what is that smell???!!!😨


2016-08-24-14.50.25.jpg.jpegNow, no one likes exercising around someone who stinks, but it’s sometimes unavoidable.  Now I exercise a lot, and therefore sweat a lot.  So, here are some tips to keep that nasty stench at bay!😆

First off, if vinegar and baking soda aren’t already a staple for your cleaning and laundry needs, you need to make them one.  Vinegar and baking soda have so many uses that I always have them accessible for all my cleaning,  disinfecting, and deodorizing needs.

Your workout clothes get sweat soaked, and therefore can get both mildewy and can grow bacteria.  I know, GROSS!  So, what you need to do is to soak them every once in a while in a vinegar and water mix.  I use about a 1:4 ratio of vinegar to water. I also add a 1/4 cup of Baking Soda in here. I suggest soaking for at least a few hours, but overnight is even better!  Then, launder in cold water.  The vinegar and baking soda will kill off all that nasty bacteria which causes that smell!

Always wash your workout clothes in cold water, then hang to dry.  Putting them in the dryer is not good for the fabric.


Secondly, if you are a trail runner   like myself, my shoes get quite muddy after a run.  I prefer to just rinse them in cold water using a fairly stiff plastic brush to scrub away the dirt.  After this, squeeze out as much water as you can and leave them out to air dry.  Again, never put them in the dryer or the shoes will deteriorate,  and lose their integrity.  That’s right, running shoes have tons of integrity! ☺

2016-08-24-14.52.13.jpg.jpegAnother way you can wash your running shoes and hats is to put them in the dishwasher in the top section.  This may not get into the ground in dirt, but when the cycle is done you could give those areas a  light brush.  Again here, take them out before the hot air dry cycle, or leave it on a cool dry setting.

There you are my friends, your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😆

All Decked out!


As you know, I love my running, but I also spend quite a bit of cross training as I truly believe that will make you better at any sport you do, and adds variety to your weekly exercise.  There are so many cross training options, but since I love the outdoors, one of my favourites is to do a workout on my backyard deck.

A fantastic workout outside, for 3 out of 4 seasons here in Canada, is skipping.

wpid-2015-11-08-17.49.22.png.pngSkipping is far more difficult than you think and it takes a while to get your rhythm.  It looks so easy, but trust me, it is very tiring!  It will get your heart rate up fast!

The plan here  is to break it up into a 20 minute workout, by mixing in some weights. Trust me,  just skipping will be hard!

First, start skipping and keep it up for 1 minute straight.   You will likely trip, so just restart regularly.   What I like to do is to keep count and start on one leg for, say 30 counts, then do the same on the other leg.

Once you have completed your 1 min., take a 30 sec. break.

wpid-2015-10-25-17.06.37.jpg.jpegNext, pick up your bands or weights and do 15 bicep curls on each arm.  The advantage to using bands is that you have resistance the entire way up and down so you are working your muscles the whole time.

Skip again for 1 minute. Rest for 30 seconds.

wpid-2015-10-25-17.09.38.jpg.jpegGrab your band/weights and work your triceps.  Step on the band and extend it behind your head. Pull up so your arm is straight, and close to your head. If you’re using a weight hold it above head, arm straight, and bend  arm down (reverse of band).  Do 15 on each arm.

Skip again for 1 minute.  Rest for 30 seconds.


Superman. Lie face down extending arms and legs. Lift both arms and legs up holding neck level. Hold for 30 seconds. Then rotate, holding right arm and  left leg up for 3 counts, then repeat with left arm and right leg. Do these for 1 minute.

Repeat all 1 time!

You are done! Fun eh? 😆🍁  Now this is just one idea.  There are countless options you could do on your own deck!  Be creative and try one today.  If you need any more suggestions just comment below and I`ll help you out!

Your Simply Susan exercise motivation tip for the day!😆