SQ All-Natural Product Line


Thank you for your interest in my SQ All-Natural product Line. I have put many products and recipes to the test, and have decided on the below items to sell! I have a Facebook page SQ all natural beauty and cleaning products as well as an Instagram account @sq_allnaturalproducts.

My goal with this product line is to create products for use in our homes for cleaning and for use on our bodies that are good for us, all natural, and good for the environment. I also collect jars and containers that were on their way to the recycle bin and re-use these. I thoroughly clean out and reuse jars, plastic containers, fabric, and anything else I can find to sell my products in. For our family I have started making most items that I use to buy in plastic containers: dish soap, cleaning solution, dishwasher detergent,and this is in addition to what I make and sell in my product line!

I have learned that what we put ON our body is absorbed INTO our bodies and therefore since I take the time to make sure I am eating whole, good foods I realized I should also be treating my skin the same.

This goes for cleaning products as well. I believe in helping keep our homes clean using products that are safe, environmentally friendly, and can be used safely around children and pets. My products are non-toxic and eco-friendly.

If you are interested in learning more about my products send me an email at fit2borganized.wordpress@gmail.com

Here are my products❤️❤️

There you have it! I am very proud of all my products and have recieved a ton of positive feedback from my customers.

Please comment below if you have tried my SQ Products and what you think of them!

Also If anyone has any ideas or suggestions of new items I’m open to hear them😊

Thank you for your support my loyal followers! ❤️❤️

This is Suzy Sunshine 🌞 SQ Product Line Post Update 🌼🤗

Spring has Sprung so let’s clear the clutter


I love every new season and what it brings! The change in weather is always exciting; watching those buds start on the trees and in the ground give me immense pleasure!

Another thing I love is putting away the winter gear and clothing and bringing out the spring stuff! SO, this is your perfect opportunity to clear away/donate and organize this stuff!

I like to keep under bed bins for my seasonal clothing, others have a large enough closet to keep everything, and still others have more than one closet where they can store out of season wear.

Starting with your winter clothes, pull them all out and put them on your bed. Now I mean EVERYTHING!

Now, take each piece of clothing and fold it up (or keep it on the hanger if you’re just moving it) and recall the last time you wore it. If you can’t remember put it in a pile for “Questionables”. If you didn’t wear it at all, put it in a “Donate” pile, and if you wore it and love it, put it in a “Keep” pile. Do this one at a time until the pile is gone. After going through all your clothes go back to the “Questionables” and rethink these as a “Keep” or “Donate”. Once this is done, grab a bag, toss in all the “Donate” items and put them in front of your door to go out! This way, the next time you leave the house you will take it with you and actually donate it. Don’t just put it away or store is as this will just lead to clutter somewhere else!

Ok, next I want you to go to your front hallway where all the coats, boots, hats, scarves, mittens etc. are kept. If you don’t already have them, invest in 3 bins to store outdoor winter items: 1 for accessories, 1 for coats, 1 for boots. I want you to do a similar thing here with these items. We accumulate A LOT of winter gear it seems! Not sure why, but we just do (or maybe it’s just my family lol!!) Do we seriously NEED 8 pairs of gloves/mittens, 5 scarves, 15 hats, 4 coats, and 3 pairs of boots??? Maybe a few extras for style and comfort, but we, as a society just like to accumulate “Stuff” so now is a good time to consider doing this differently! Now go through each item separately and put it in the “Donate”, “Keep”, or “Questionables” pile, and then go through the “Questionables” pile as you did above, and put in a bag the donate items, and put this by the front door.

That’s it! It’s really not as bad as you think it is! Mostly what gets people is the actual ACT of DOING it! Right now, take out your calendar and schedule in a 1 hour time slot (That is all it should take) and DO IT!! Often times when we actual schedule something in we are more likely to ACTUALLY do it!

That was pretty painless if I do say so myself!

Spring has sprung so go for a walk on the next bright day and enjoy the change of season!!!

Your Simply Susan tip of the day 😉🌼🌳

“SQ” Products


Thank you for checking out my SQ product line!!!!!

For our family I am making a ton of products, but I have chosen to start slowly so am  currently selling 4 of them:

Body Butter:  Olive oil, Coconut oil, Shea butter, Beeswax, essential oils (optional) (Can be made scented or scent free upon request)

Lip Balm: Beeswax, Shea butter, coconut oil, essential oil (optional)

Reusable Wax sheets (use instead of zip-top bags, and/or plastic wrap) Cotton squares ( various sizes available) with melted oil and beeswax.  These are eco-friendly, re-usable (wiped with soap and/or cold water) anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and can be used to wrap any food (except raw meat) from sandwiches, to cut fruit. Or you can cover your bowls etc. as you would have done with plastic wrap (terrible for the environment!)

Toilet Bombs: These “bombs” can be used weekly to keep your toilet clean and fresh! Just drop them into the toilet water, allow 5-10 minutes for it to dissolve and then use your toilet brush as usual and then flush away. Septic system safe, and eco-friendly!

Just an FYI here are some of the other products I have been experimenting with and using regularly in our home:

Liquid Laundry Detergent

All-Purpose cleaner

Foaming Hand Soap

Liquid Dish Soap

Facial and Body Scrubs (different types)


Dry Shampoo (dark and light hair varieties ) wet, and dry applications

Eye Cream

Anti-Bacterial Hand Sprays

SO….as I said, I am REALLY enjoying this and love making and using these products!!! I feel so much better using these and promoting these as what we put ON our body and what we breath in and clean our houses with is extremely important to living a healthy life!

Price List for products currently available:  (These are my initial prices, so they may change)

Body Butter $8/6oz, $4/3 oz

Lip Balm $2/8.5g, $4/25g

Toilet Bombs 10 tabs for $5

Wax covers/squares: small (6×6″ square) $2, medium (10×10″ square) $4, Large (15×10″) $6

Please contact me by email if you would like to order any of the above! My email is fit2borganized.wordpress@gmail.com

Thank you all for your support on this new endeavour!!

Being organized, What does it mean?


wp-1455660005049.jpegBeing organized means putting forth a little more effort now to make things easier moving forward.

Becoming organized is changing how you think. From when you walk in the door and put your keys down in a standard spot you always use, to filling the dishwasher in such a way that makes it easier to empty.

It’s keeping your hats and mitts in one easy access basket by the front door.  There are so many things you could start doing today that will make life easier tomorrow….as long as you keep it up!!!
Once you start thinking in an organized way, things start to fall in place and get easier. Trust me. I wasn’t always this organized! Growing up I didn’t care about it as much, or see the benefit of it as I do now. Don’t get me wrong though, my mom had places for things and everything was kept quite clean and tidy. I just realized when I became a parent and bought a house that being organized and using these basic rules across the board not only keeps me happy, but my family as well!
Organizing is taking the time to do things the right way first with schedules, organizing bins, folders, any system you can put in place for yourself or your family that makes things easier and more automatic.
So many people are in such a hurry these days and need to get places fast, and get things done quickly. So, what you need to do is to first take some time to figure out what isn’t working and find a way to make yourself more efficient.

Some things I do (apart from the few I mentioned above) are:

  1. Dealing with paperwork right away as it comes in the door (recycle bin, file, make a note of dates in my planner etc.)
  2. Placing my phone/purse/wallet in a designated spot.
  3. Have a charging station where all devices are charged in one spot.
  4. Menu planning for the week.
  5. Put clothes away or in the laundry after wearing them.
  6. Keep a list on your phone or planner where you can add items you regularly use that you have run out of.
  7. Put things back after you use them (books, magazines, appliances etc.)
  8. Putting reminders in your calendar for due dates as soon as you find out about them.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.  It does take some time, but putting things away and keeping “like” items together and all in one spot saves time.  Keeping regularly used items in the same spot becomes a habit in no time and is worth it!

Your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😍



Quick and dirty cleaning tip😆 (Reader discretion advised)😆



One of my favourite cleaning tips to give people is to clean the shower right before you take one! You know you’re going to get wet and it’s just too dangerous to reach that far without getting in your tub or shower stall, so why not just do some naked cleaning of your shower!!!!!!😄😄😄

👉👉One important point to mention is that when you spray your mixture on, spray the higher parts and let it drip down your wall. You could spray the tub first, wait, wipe, then rinse away before getting in the tub to clean the walls. This mixture is soap, so once water is added to rinse it will become very slippery until rinsed away, so be careful if you are standing in your tub.!👈👈

The second very important tip I’ll mention here is what I use to clean the shower; soap scum and all.  I use an equal parts mixture of Dawn liquid soap and vinegar.   Just shake gently, spray on, wait 5-15 minutes (depending on how much build up your walls have) then wipe down (easy, NO elbow grease needed) and rinse away!

I prefer to use environmentally friendly cleaners, but have always struggled to find a good one for soap scum removal.  But, this simple half and half mixture really is that easy and works better than anything I’ve tried!

There you have it, your Simply Susan tip of the day!😆

Shake it up and rinse on!

Happy Halloween!!!!!……now, the aftermath


2016-11-01-10.46.19.jpg.jpegWell, as many of you know, I am a bit of a junk food lover (which is one of the reasons why am also an exercise fanatic!!)  I love Halloween and all the junk food that comes along with it.  But, this is one of those occasions where, after you allow the indulgence, you have to offset this with burning those calories.  On Halloween night I eat all the candy I want, then I step up my cardio for the next few days to a week to feel better! Who’s kidding who, I eat candy every day, but just not quite as much as the first night!! It’s all about allowing yourself the yummy things without depriving, but understanding that with one (indulging) comes the other (exercise!)

2016-11-01-10.43.59.jpg.jpegThe next point about Halloween is that if you have kids, strongly encourage them to pool their candy.  I understand that this may be tough, but at least try to.  Either way, still insist that they keep their candy in a common area and definitely not their bedroom!  You can control their intake this way.  Also, if you’re anything like me, this is also a good way to make sure they are “sharing” with you 🙂  I also like to (this is a BIG secret, so don’t let your kids know) take a few (only) candies out each day and add them to a bag in the freezer!  They don’t even know they are missing them when you do it gradually. The way I look at it is this…you are actually helping them, and it  is really exciting to find out you have Halloween candy in February!!! Or you could just throw a few out each day, but that’s no fun!!!

2016-11-01-10.43.16.jpg.jpegLastly, decorations, take them down as soon after the day as possible.  No one wants to look at Halloween decorations in November.  Get a large plastic bin and store them all together and label it.  This includes costumes, make-up,wigs etc.  Don’t just throw out everything and start again next year, that is a waste of money and bad for the environment.  Even that cobweb stuff can be used again each year.  I have had mine now for 5 years and I just re-stretch it out every year and add the plastic spiders!

Hope all these Halloween tips help to make the day go smoothly and that all of you have fun!!!

Hope it was a fun night….now I’m going to pig out!!!!!

Your Simply Susan tip of the season!

Seasonal Clothing Swap-out



With the change of season upon us, this is the best time to go through your clothing you are taking out of your drawers (summer items), and putting into your drawers (fall/winter items).  Now is the time to get rid of unwanted, unworn, worn-out, or dated clothing items.

As you take clothes out, critically go through them asking yourself:

A) Did I wear this more than once this season? and will I honestly ever wear it again?

B) Is it still in fashion, or is it now out-dated?

C) Is it worn out, “pilly”, or thread-bare?

D)  Do I have at least one more like it already?

E) Is it comfortable, and do I feel good about myself when I wear it?

Any items that you are done with just donate them now! Donating clothing is so easy these days as there are at least 3 companies that will regularly call you and come to your door to pick up your stuff!!  But, if you want to do it before you lose your nerve, drive to  your local charity or second hand shop and make your donation there!

If you love something, but it doesn’t fit, put it in a designated box (labelled) for now and every year go through this box to check if the items fit.  If you do this for a few years and the items still don’t fit, donate!

After you have critically gone through your clothes, you need to store the clothing coming out.  If you have room for them, under bed storage bins or large, sealed bags are your best option.  If not, at least use large, well-labelled plastic bins and store them where you have room.

Another idea is to have a clothing swap with a friend of similar size (what you are tired of or doesn’t fit you, she may LOVE). Better yet, start up an annual clothing-swap party where everyone gets to go through each others things!  This will save money and be better for the environment!!

Thanks for reading your Simply Susan tip of the day!😛