“SQ” Products


Thank you for checking out my SQ product line!!!!!

For our family I am making a ton of products, but I have chosen to start slowly so am  currently selling 4 of them:

Body Butter:  Olive oil, Coconut oil, Shea butter, Beeswax, essential oils (optional) (Can be made scented or scent free upon request)

Lip Balm: Beeswax, Shea butter, coconut oil, essential oil (optional)

Reusable Wax sheets (use instead of zip-top bags, and/or plastic wrap) Cotton squares ( various sizes available) with melted oil and beeswax.  These are eco-friendly, re-usable (wiped with soap and/or cold water) anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and can be used to wrap any food (except raw meat) from sandwiches, to cut fruit. Or you can cover your bowls etc. as you would have done with plastic wrap (terrible for the environment!)

Toilet Bombs: These “bombs” can be used weekly to keep your toilet clean and fresh! Just drop them into the toilet water, allow 5-10 minutes for it to dissolve and then use your toilet brush as usual and then flush away. Septic system safe, and eco-friendly!

Just an FYI here are some of the other products I have been experimenting with and using regularly in our home:

Liquid Laundry Detergent

All-Purpose cleaner

Foaming Hand Soap

Liquid Dish Soap

Facial and Body Scrubs (different types)


Dry Shampoo (dark and light hair varieties ) wet, and dry applications

Eye Cream

Anti-Bacterial Hand Sprays

SO….as I said, I am REALLY enjoying this and love making and using these products!!! I feel so much better using these and promoting these as what we put ON our body and what we breath in and clean our houses with is extremely important to living a healthy life!

Price List for products currently available:  (These are my initial prices, so they may change)

Body Butter $8/6oz, $4/3 oz

Lip Balm $2/8.5g, $4/25g

Toilet Bombs 10 tabs for $5

Wax covers/squares: small (6×6″ square) $2, medium (10×10″ square) $4, Large (15×10″) $6

Please contact me by email if you would like to order any of the above! My email is fit2borganized.wordpress@gmail.com

Thank you all for your support on this new endeavour!!

Hot dog blog!🐕❀


20160921_112553.jpgOkay, so I had to laugh this morning when I realized I missed posting a blog this week.  Let me update my loyal blog followers on my recent life changes…..We are now the very proud owners of an 11 week old American Cocker Spaniel puppy!  Yay!  We are loving him and our new puppydome, but it has brought back all the memories of when my girls were babies and toddlers!

I have realized that having a puppy is very similar to having a baby. They sleep and play, and poop and pee a lot, but they are also like those toddlers who get into EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they can.  They love to explore and are so curious about new things.  The one change is the chewing and teething behaviours.  Unlike human babies, puppies seem to think that any part of you, your clothing, the house, the yard, etc., etc., is their personal teething toy!  Man and are their teeth sharp! Yowzers!  They are like needles!  So, that being said, we have quite an array of “redirection toys” kicking around everywhere to distract him with. These do work, but persistence, perseverance and patience are key.img_20160925_203534.jpg Continue reading

Spring into Action


20200407_123513.jpgWhat does spring mean to you?  To me, three things come to mind, a new start, and green!  Green grass, leaves on trees, flowers and plants budding in the gardens! It’s that time of year where all of a sudden neighbours are reunited and you see people walking around outside (more) happily. ….rather than quickly getting to their car, house, or work as fast as they can without freezing! This is the time to try something new and why not enlist a friend? Many people would be interested and motivated because they wouldn’t want to let you down! 😆

I love all of our seasons in Canada,  but I am always excited about the change from one to another. Personally I just get sick of one wardrobe and get excited about the prospect of bringing out my next season’s wardrobe!  Why not use this excitement while bringing in the new wardrobe by sorting through, organizing, and donating clothing items?

With the change of season upon us, why not take this opportunity to create a new healthy habit! Try parking further from work so you are forced to walk longer to get there? Try going for a walk on your lunch break 1-3 times a week? Why not introduce a new vegetable every week into your household? Register for a new class? Commit with a friend to exercise?  When you are at a dance competition  (which is where my family spends spring weekends! !) take the stairs whenever you can? Getting up and racing to get your child changed and ready for the next number is also good exercise!

This spring try “springing ” into action and create a new, positive habit that will help you be an even better you! If that’s even possible! 😆

Your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😆