IF….. and WHEN…


IF (Intermittent Fasting) has been life changing for me and here is where I tell you some of those details!

First of all, I have never really struggled with my weight until a few years ago when aging hormones took over and I started filling out a bit. Now I’m not very big, so to others this was maybe not noticeable, but my clothes were tight and I just wasn’t feeling as good with my body. So, I wanted to lose a bit of weight; only 10-15 lbs total.

Now, I don’t believe in dieting or cutting out foods if you love them UNLESS you are allergic to them or they simply don’t agree with your body. So, that being said, I was not interested in dieting to lose weight!

Secondly for those of you who know me, you know that I am kind of an exercise fanatic. So, that being said not exercising was not the problem, and more exercise was not going to solve the problem.

I am, as you all know, a big advocate of keeping fit and healthy, but I have also learned that exercise (especially if you already do a lot of it) is not the most efficient way to lose weight! Doing cardio is absolutely fantastic for your body, for your heart, for your mental health and for your spirit, but for me I could not exercise more than I already do. People think that running etc burns SO MANY calories, that they can eat whatever they want as long as they exercise ( I was one of these people who believed this!) but this is NOT the case as exercise actually doesn’t burn as many calories as people believe it does.

I have heard over the years the whole “Calories in/Calories out” rule and that if you want to lose weight burn more than you take in. I have also learned this is not the case as not all calories are created equally! If you believe this, then that means you believe that 100 calories of cotton candy will be the same for your body as 100 calories of broccoli🤣. Now common sense tells us that this is obviously not the case! Our bodies use and store food in different ways and what we put into our bodies is key. How our hormones react to foods is a big factor here!

You cannot out-exercise a bad diet! If you eat the recommended 1200-2000 calories a day but eat processed junk, you are going to put on weight and damage your body in many ways, and most of these you may not visually see but will definitely feel.

So, what did I do since I wasn’t going to exercise more, and I already eat a very healthy diet? (following the 80/20 rule 80% good 20% not so good…..more on this later) I changed WHEN I eat the food I want to eat!

Did this simple change work?????? 100% YES!!!!!!!

That is all for today💛Stay tuned to this blog as my journey continues.

More details next time!!!!
Your Suzy Sunshine tip of the day!!! ☀️🌼🥰