Being organized, What does it mean?


wp-1455660005049.jpegBeing organized means putting forth a little more effort now to make things easier moving forward.

Becoming organized is changing how you think. From when you walk in the door and put your keys down in a standard spot you always use, to filling the dishwasher in such a way that makes it easier to empty.

It’s keeping your hats and mitts in one easy access basket by the front door.  There are so many things you could start doing today that will make life easier tomorrow….as long as you keep it up!!!
Once you start thinking in an organized way, things start to fall in place and get easier. Trust me. I wasn’t always this organized! Growing up I didn’t care about it as much, or see the benefit of it as I do now. Don’t get me wrong though, my mom had places for things and everything was kept quite clean and tidy. I just realized when I became a parent and bought a house that being organized and using these basic rules across the board not only keeps me happy, but my family as well!
Organizing is taking the time to do things the right way first with schedules, organizing bins, folders, any system you can put in place for yourself or your family that makes things easier and more automatic.
So many people are in such a hurry these days and need to get places fast, and get things done quickly. So, what you need to do is to first take some time to figure out what isn’t working and find a way to make yourself more efficient.

Some things I do (apart from the few I mentioned above) are:

  1. Dealing with paperwork right away as it comes in the door (recycle bin, file, make a note of dates in my planner etc.)
  2. Placing my phone/purse/wallet in a designated spot.
  3. Have a charging station where all devices are charged in one spot.
  4. Menu planning for the week.
  5. Put clothes away or in the laundry after wearing them.
  6. Keep a list on your phone or planner where you can add items you regularly use that you have run out of.
  7. Put things back after you use them (books, magazines, appliances etc.)
  8. Putting reminders in your calendar for due dates as soon as you find out about them.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.  It does take some time, but putting things away and keeping “like” items together and all in one spot saves time.  Keeping regularly used items in the same spot becomes a habit in no time and is worth it!

Your Simply Susan tip of the day! 😍



15 thoughts on “Being organized, What does it mean?

  1. Yes! If I don’t have items in their proper spot, I can’t think straight. Some people might call me crazy (and have) but I call it efficiency. Even with toys; when the kids need that little plastic hammer they haven’t played with in months, I know exactly where it is! Oh, another thing I do (since having young ones) is always wear pants with pockets–as I’m trying to keep things in order throughout the day, those little random things on the floor like stickers and crumbs go right in the pockets and at the end of the day I clean them out. Thanks for the tips, fellow organizer!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lesley

    Thanks Susan. I so feel like a pack rat and don’t feel organized and it doesn’t help that I have all boys that don’t care and love to drop stuff everywhere! Sigh! I will keep reading to get some tips from you. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for reading! It is so hard when others in your house aren’t on board! I have written a bunch of blogs here on how to organize each room one by one. Check these out if you have time!😁


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